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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Told ya Dad couldn't leave his laptop home...

John got up for a sunrise run along the rim this morning. The kids have been cooking. Howmany times can you say grilled cheese? Right now we are enjoying the Canyon Cafe where drinks for four was 11 dollars. It's hard to think of this as rustic camping with RVs everywhere and the souund of cars everywhere.

The canyon is majestic. We walked along Yavapai Point this morning along the Rim Trail. We like the signs the say people die each year by falling, not people may die, people do die... So far we have seen cars from as far as New Jersey and Mexico. I think John and thekids are going to hike along Bright Angel and try to glimpse the condors. A guy at the Black Canyon campsite told us about that. Ho said it was also fun to listen to the folks getting ready to ride the mules and their jokes. Sorry I don't have any pictures of us. Some of us are cranky about having our picture taken.

Rose Larkins (from G1 phone)

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