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Saturday, July 4, 2009

day 0 - Packing

or how to stuff more stuff that what you have room for. I figure if one of us stays home everything will fit. We are doing a trial pack at 10:36 PM CST the day before we leave. Never mind that it is the Fourth of July and no stores are open for last minute items... Then there is church tomorrow, lunch and maybe we will get on the road. I understand we finally have a place to stay tomorrow night. Yes! no tent camping in Texas. I graciously offered to stay home with the dogs but for some reason you can't have the family vacation without all family members.

Where we going you ask? Why, the Grand Canyon! I hope to sleep sometime tonight. I am supposed to help at communion tomorrow. Hopefully I won't zonk out face first into the tray of grape juice cups. (It's a Methodist thing. ) Maybe we can get Gary to pray extra hard for all people traveling tomorrow.

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