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Friday, July 10, 2009

The missing Thursday post!

Thursday was a fun day! It started at 5:15 to make it to the airport by 6AM for our vomit comet (oops, I mean nauseatingly turbulent plane ride over the Grand Canyon, Colorado River, the Glen Dam, and lake Powell. It was a dual prop plane that seated 17 with headphones with grandiose music interspersed with canned recordings of the sites as we passed over them. Fortunately nobody had to make use of the souvenir (little white vomit) bags. If you had an iron stomach, you could actually see the sites 0therwise you were busy concentrating on not using the bag. Yes, the plane did jump around and it was not as smooth as a roller coaster. After the plane ride, we were served a lovely breakfast (if your stomach could handle it!)

AFter that lovely plane ride, we rode a jeep out to Antelope Canyon, my favorite of the whole day. One of the tour guides sang us a Navajo song with a drum. It was neat although we couldn't understand a word of it and it came across like a lot of mumbling. Antelope canyon has a lot of undulating waves in the rock and was shaped by water and wind erosion. We have so many pictures of that place, it was hard to choose.

Then it was time for our lazy raft ride on the Colorado River starting at Glen Dam and ending at Harper's Ferry. We got a love bagged lunch served in a small souvenir insulated lunch tote. Did I mention that it gets hotter by the time you get down to the river. By the time we got the dock at the Ferry, it was 113 degrees Farenheit. Rory was our River (rat) guide and we had a lot of fun wven if it was hot. We Dunked our bandannas into the river to help keep cool. We saw a Great Blue Heron, a Peregrine Falcon in additon to petroglyphs and lots of canyon walls. One of the river giudes challenged us to eat a cicada and two took him up on it. Yeah, put that girl on Survivor Man... She said it was kind of like peanut butter.... I wonder what brand she eats? Fortunately the lunches provided were not Survivor Man material, just your basic box lunch with river cool (47 degrees) canned lemonade.

Well, it sounds like the laundry is almost done, so I will log off for right now.

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