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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Here we are again planning this year's vacation in less than 2 weeks.

Looks like we will be headed for Colorado Springs and Estes Park areas. John has been nailing down camp sites and hotel rooms. Rose has been debating menu plans and how many meals the kids can cook. (OK, so it is really more like what is the limit of PB&J sandwiches.) Camping should not be about hours slaving over a campstove, so yes, I like pre-prepped meals. If I want to slave over a stove, I can do that in air conditioned (and bug free) comfort in my own kitchen.

"What?!? A Hotel Room?", you say? Given the choice between a tent squished into a tent city with noisy generators from pop tent travel trailers or neighbors so close it's like being in a bathroom with tissue thin walls (oh wait, they are tissue thin), I will take a bed and shower any day. It looks like we will be doing Pikes Peak, Royal Gorge, snow ball fight at the continental divide and hiking around Rocky Mountain NP.

This week at the house we have been laying out gear, making sure the stove works, testing out a new lantern we bought (Coleman EXP single mantle dual fuel, small and lightweight) and going through the kitchen buckets. Going to test a new method of baking in a bag on this trip. Should be fun. Wish us luck.

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